Jigsaw Business Networks provides its customers, with a fully Health & Safety legislation compliant Risk Assessment Methodology before moving onto site to carry out the required works. The RAMS are scrutinized regularly by independent sources to ensure that the RAMS reflect the latest in Health & Safety legislation in the UK. Our works are assessed as being CHAS accredited on an annual basis.


Scope of work: To remove faulty/old batteries from installed equipment and replace with new, then take away the faulty batteries from the customer site and dispose of in compliance with the current environmental legislation.

Sequence of Operations: New batteries delivered to customer site. Store until required. Liaise with customer re Emergency and First Aid provisions at site. Obtain permit to Work if appropriate. Assess whether faulty batteries are leaking or in dangerous state. Agree with customer on disconnection and power-down sequence etc etc.(full RAMS statement available on request to new/existing customers).

Method of Work: explained fully in RAMS Tools and Equipment: Insulated hand tools including spanners and torque tools. Electrical test equipment. Portable lights and extension leads. Step ladders/ladders(safety checks completed). Barriers and Warning signs as required. Cleaning materials, First aid kit & emergency eye wash et etc. Identified hazards: Handling and movement of batteries. Electrical hazards. Temporary storage of new and faulty batteries. Possibility of trips and falls if not properly stacked and stored. Hazards and risks associated with that specific customer site.

Manpower and Skills Requirements: Engineers assigned to carry out battery replacement activities will be qualified on the basis of relevant technical, Health & Safety training. Record of all engineer’s qualifications and experience are maintained in accordance with requirements of the manufacturer quality management system.

This is an abbreviated example of a typical RAMS statement. We have additional RAMS on file to cater for all types of UPS maintenance & remedial works. Our work is fully compliant with current Health & Safety legislation at all times.